Thursday, February 09, 2006

Done and done!

Today was a day of sleeping in and sleeping in! I couldnt get to bed last night - had an insomniac episode [doesnt that make sleep deprivation sound alot more appealing?!]. So yeah...i woke up at 11 today, had to cancel my outing with Cas so i could catch up on sleep. I don't know why i couldn't sleep - it might have something to do with my reliance on music. Last night i decided to turn off my ipod before i felt sleepy. So it turns out i never did get sleepy. Why did i do that? Well, because i was annoyed at the fact that somehow i only had 164 songs [over 20+ being podcasts]...they're all back now which im happy about.

IN HAPPIER NEWS, i finished the book 1984. Yay-and it only took me 3months. I started reading it near the end of uni and and have been meaning to finish it for a while now. So i was really determined today to finish it-it took me 3hours to finish the 1/3 of the book that was left. Talk about the feeling of satisfaction. I finally knows what happens [although i must say, i already had a feeling that the story would end that way]. It almost nearly didnt happen when my younger sister came home and started telling me about her day. She got angry at me when i told her to be quiet cause i was trying to finish it - I would have let her tell me everything that happened to her but like i said, i was determined.

So thats what happened to me today - not much. In other news though, turns out that U-Me [Cas's Cat] had to go to the vet today because she took out her stitches (her cat was desexed the other day). Really feel sorry for U-me, they were supposed to take out the stitches today and it should have been over. But she's a strong cat and will no doubt get better soon.

Adios everyone [the little people i know]!


At 12:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nah she doesn't get them off for another two weeks. so now she's got the cone thing around her neck and i feel really sorry for her coz she keeps trying to take it off. my poor little girl!!! and what breaks your heart even more is that she's still so trusting and loving even after we've done all these awful things to her. pets are so cool.


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