Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The death of language...

I must say, these holidays have been pretty good. I haven't been so much of a cabbage. I'm looking forward to going back to university though. It wouldn't be so bad if i were spending more time with friends but I stay home way too much and feel like my brain is decaying. At home, i have no one to converse with about intellectual topics...or any topics for that matter. I'd probably bore them to death or they just wouldn't understand what I was talking about...or care what i was talking about. It's very much like that - they dump all their woes on me and i listen. I speak not, unless required to. I guess that would be okay, aside from the fact that i have nothing to say about what they tell me. My younger sister called me a 'faget' today. Lovely word isn't it. Obviously it doesn't affect me but does she not realise the connotations attached to that word? It's offensive and seriously, there are other words you could use. Like maybe call me a nimrod, idiot, loser - It still doesnt affect me but at least they are words that Could apply to me. At the end of the day its not just rhetoric. Words have meaning. They have history and implications.

Well thats my rant for today. Intellectual or not, i really dont care. I'm just saying what needs to be said.


At 1:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, man your family is a strange bunch of people indeed. oh well, what can you do hey?

At 1:45 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Strange? yes. Sometimes i think that we were just thrown together as some kind of sick social experiment and each person has just learnt to adapt. Well its not that bad but it would be so much cooler...

At 3:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what would be so much cooler? what sarorth, what!? i'll just die if i don't find out what would be so much cooler!

At 4:48 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Your never ending quest for the thing that is 'cooler' - i laugh, i will never know! Muahahaha.

At 8:21 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

Um... yeah, being into semantics is cool. I dig it too. But just to nickpick; 'faget' isn't a word. 'Faggot' however is.

At 8:23 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Yes i do realise that [hence the quotation marks]...but thats her spelling of the word. She obviously meant the other. Still the same to me because i know what she meant.

At 2:13 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

Fair enough.


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