Sunday, February 12, 2006

First and last experience of the GOLD Coast

WEll as all of you guys are aware I was at the GOLD Coast last night. We were invited to a girls birthday celebration - at first we weren't going to go but then pinh decided that she would like to go too seeing as her friends were also invited. She drove us there...First we went to her friends place to go and pick someone up so they could drive for her [which obviously didnt happen]. We ended up staying for a little while because they werent changed yet. We didnt end up getting to the coast til 11. First we went up to the Aegean Apartments where they were having their party...we just sat down and talked and laughed at the drunk antics of this guy. It was good to see Sophan - last time i spoke to her was at her 19th birthday [which is pretty bad considering she just lives down the road from me]. She was pretty surprised to see us three there after i texted her to let her know we couldnt make it. But it all worked out in the end. So after having a few shots and some spring rolls and mini-muffins most of us [about 10 people] went to Shooters [classy name i must say].

First impressions? Packed - really packed! We avoided the cover charge though because one of the guys knew someone who worked there. That was a really good thing seeing as i only had $20 and pinh no money whatsoever and cas had none on her. We couldnt find an ATM either. Anyways getting inside - it really stunk of vomit, it was really unpleasant. The music was just not happening either, i'm not the trancing, laser lights, fog machine type. At one stage, Cas and myself were just sitting on these little seats and talking about how much we preferred the local pubs. We are the talking type and this was not a talking place. Also, the guys were so sleasy...and so were some of the girls. Oh we did dares again. We cant get enough of those dares can we? - WEll its a good laugh. MY one was to dance with some asian guy who was dancing really, really funny. He was really into the trance thing - thank god though, it would have been more embarrassing if he actually knew that i was imitating him. Pinh's one was to go on those platforms and dance - it took her half an hour just to finally do it. I think Cas's one was worst though, she had to dance with this guy who stalked [well not really, but he kept inching closer and closer - ] her for a while. He asked her to dance with him - note: he was a bit of a loser and just a wee bit desperate. She told him that she was just dancing with us but he kept persisting so she just gave that to him and said that was her dare. So just a little bit after that, we went home. pin wanted to stay a bit longer but it was 3am and we agreed to leave after two songs.

WEll that was so uninteresting - i'm not feeling the effects, didnt have much to drink seeing as i didnt have much money on me and it was just not really happening. Just a little bit tired - didnt get home til about 4 and was woken up at 9 this morning from all the noise made by my family.

OH and i didnt get your message til i got home Elliott. So as you can tell - it wasnt all that good. I had a feeling though, didnt really believe you when you said it was good. The tone in your voice really gave it away. But anyways, i think il just stick to the local pubs/bars. I guess it saves us the one hour drive as well.


At 12:12 pm, Blogger Morris said...

Glad you had a fun time!

Mr. Morris
Ask Morris

At 12:23 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Ah was so fun - i may never go there again. haha.

At 3:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah the Sunshine Coast is about two hours north sarorth. We went to the Gold Coast. haha, you loser. yeah last night was boring as, i didn't have much fun at all. that guy was gross as too by the way. geez, the things i do for you guys.

At 4:02 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Hahaha yeah i know - my sister picked that up! I'l have to fix that up. I like the sunshine coast. haha. Yeah it wasn't even really funny watching that too - i felt heaps sorry for you cause he was extremely wierd. Especially how he tried to weave his way to you and how we kept moving away so then he couldnt fit in. haha.

At 4:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah oh well, he was harmless i guess. just a total geeky loser. he was like "you don't seem very interested", and i just go "yeah, i'm not", and just walked back over to you guys. hahaha. oh well, i did tell him to piss off earlier. it is a bit sad though that we're supposed to be these smart university girls and we resort to doing lame, lame dares. haha, what the hell is that about. i feel as though im dumbing myself down. i think we're spending too much time with pinh.

At 4:41 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

I know cas, but i think thats the whole idea of doing the dares...we get out of the whole rigid routine of uni and get to do something stupid. haha. WE could never do that with our uni friends because they dont know what its all about. It's about doing what we do best, and that is make a fool of ourselves - the 'pinheads' way. hahahaha. And at the end of the day we all get a big laugh out of it. Which is always a good thing!

At 8:56 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

TWO WORDS: I told ya

At 2:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's THREE words. haha.

At 7:15 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

You have to look outside the square Cas - If he sees two words, there are only two. It's all in the mind...reality is in the mind. hahahaha - too much living in 1984. Not a very convincing argument, i know. But someones got to defend the crazy one. hahahaha [you're not crazy El, just a little kooky sometimes - hmm is that any better? haha].

At 7:17 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

You have to look outside the square Cas - If he sees two words, there are only two. It's all in the mind...reality is in the mind. hahahaha - too much living in 1984. Not a very convincing argument, i know. But someones got to defend the crazy one. hahahaha [you're not crazy El, just a little kooky sometimes - hmm is that any better? haha].

At 11:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone have a memory lapse and post the same thing twice? haha. and yeah, you're argument was crap. CRAP i tells ya!

At 5:18 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

In my defense: OBVIOUSLY it was three words.

I choose to call my brand of sarcasm 'Tre Chic Ironic', because it sounds snootier when you have French words.


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