Today was a very interesting day. How so, you may ask. Well to start off it was quite a normal day. I rocked up to uni at 9:30 half-awake/half-asleep [whichever you prefer] and I endured two hours of Jurisprudence [legal theory - yay, don't we all love theory...]. To give you a little taste of what law school is really like, here is some of what i wrote today [you'l thank me later when you are able to recite what i have just shared with you]. I have decided to format this as a two part post because i have so much to share with you guys.
SARORTH'S NOTES [as it may or may not appear in my notebook]
What are the 6 central attributes of the western common law system?
And yes, i do realise i have 3. At least i got half of it.
2. Aristotle quoted that: "Law is reason from passion" (sound familiar? That's because it was quoted in legally blonde - i picked that up).
Greek tradition: righteous anger = passion
Modern conception: fear = passion
Modern conception moves from eros [love and passion] to fear
Don't ask me what that all means. I was lost at =. But oh, you should have seen all the eager law students happy to respond to that statement. I wish they kept their opinions to themselves...they have this domino effect where they are able to take everyone else down with them in a spiral of confusion. Another reason why early mornings aren't a great time to be having discussions of a jurisprudential nature.
3. What is the character of law? What is the character of lawyers? [starting with Greek tradition]
4. What is Justice?
RHETORIC & PERSUASION!!! (sounds important)
5. Qualities of character as adviser?
6. Rhetoric & Exegesis [why not throw the big word, hermeneutics into this as well?!!]
7. How do we understand power?
8. What do you have to do to be critical?
9. What is the status of the legal person?
So, if ever you doubted how 'smart' I really am...look at this post and see all the big words that I know [and what i put myself through each day]. How did you like your little sample of jurisprudence? It's very interesting isn't it?! Well if you thought that was difficult, confusing, stupid, should come in and sit on one of my property law lectures. Fun, fun, fun!!!