Wednesday, March 22, 2006

For the sake of it...

1/e663I have been quite slack for y67a whi6letitrtt9oyth9go00


Geez Mischief just won'l leave me alone. She just jumped on the keyboard and in the process typed a couple of things. Getting to what i was going originally say- I have been neglecting this blog. I have reasons though. Well they're not really reasons. I just don't have anything interesting going on so I figured it would be best not to bore the world. Too late for that now. Anyways i'm going to go and finish my tute work - or shall i say start.


Friday, March 17, 2006


I have a cat now...well kitten. Her name is Mischief - I didn't name her, she was already named by her previous owners. They had to give her away because they were having a baby and already had two cats.Her name suits her so much though because she gets skitzo at night. I've lost a fair bit of sleep due to that. She's really cute though. So here are some pictures. The first one is the 'psycho' Mischief biting a basket [look at her huge eyes!!!]. The next one is sleeping Mischief [the one I like best] and the last is playful Mischief [Second best].

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I've been thinking a fair bit today. I'm not happy living here with my parents. I am contemplating moving out very soon. I went out thursday night to celebrate Cass' birthday. I got home at 1:30-1:50am. They got pretty angry. In fact I not only got a little lecture from my mother on the way to uni the next day but all today they were having this discussion about what I did and how i'm such a bad child. etc, etc... I didn't need this - so i listened to my ipod. I have avoided them for the better part of yesterday and all today. I don't need to justify my going out that day - I let them know why I went out and they still got angry. I guess it didn't help that Paul got out of the car and took a piss on my front yard. She mentioned that too and now has this theory that I didn't in fact go to celebrate Cass' birthday but that I only go out to meet guys. Which is not true - the only reason why paul and his friend was there was because they happened to be at Fitzy's and drove us home.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Cas!!!

I thought i'd dedicate this post to Cas turning 20 and the day we spent celebrating her birthday.
Today we did many things. First we went to the Arcade. That was pretty fun...we even won a token or two. And even better we were able to get Cas a badge that said 'birthday boy'. haha...close enough right?! [haha - love the sarcastic look cas! It really doesnt beat my overly happy/loony look though. bwahaha]

Next we went to see Rent at the cinemas and man that was a bit of a shocker of a movie. To make matters worst none of us are into the musical genre. Them breaking into song and dance just as a serious conversation was taking place was getting to me a bit. But we did get a laugh out of it...Even though most of the other people didnt see what was so funny. After that we had to take Cas to uni. We were able to take some more photos there.

Below: Cas and her bottle of personalised vodka and a Group shot.

All in all a very good day. Once again Cas, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I found them!!!

I've found the notes we were talking about before, you know the ones where we play match. I have 3 pages of them. I was looking for an old essay I did and what do you know they were right there tucked in some pieces of paper I had in a folder. And guess what? It wasn't me who was a match to Natasha Morgan...It was Cas all along. At a whopping 92% I think that's an almost perfect match. Hahaha-we were the biggest procrastinators, even in high school. Good times they were. I wonder what that big black patch is covering though...I guess we will never know.

I'l bring it along with me on Tuesday and show you guys. I also found this drawing you did for me in Maths in grade 11!

WEll that's all I have to talk about...I'm somewhat tired after rummaging through all my old stuff and wires.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Part 2 : Almost like a never ending story

After the very interesting lecture I met up with Pinh in the library and managed to stay there for 5 hours [initially I was going to go home at 3 but she told me to stay and that she would drive me home]. When I arrived she was working on her assigment. YES, pinh does work now...well sorta, she copied out the question she was going to do. I tried to help her figure out what she needed to do in terms of structure and layout but she didnt listen of course. I then went out to lunch.

I went back to library to find Pinh on the computers chatting on MSN. Old habits die hard i tell ya. Especially hers. haha. I was able to read my Study Notes for Workplace Industrial Relations in that time. She then came back and I poked fun at how broke she was and how she buys all these things when she needs money for petrol. Of course she just laughed it off. Clearly listening to what i just said she decides to buy a diary. She counts her money to see if she had enough money for a diary. YEP, she had $3.50. Actually, i'm pretty sure she had $4. haha. So she went off to buy her diary leaving me by myself. I read some of my readings for WIR and managed to finish 2 pages [may i say it was more like 4 because it was 2 to a page]. That was quite uninteresting...

She then comes back with her newly purchased diary. She tells me to read this page that listed the 10 excuses for sleeping at your desk. They were pretty stupid but funny nonetheless. Then she decides to write her birthday in her diary and tells me to do the same. My page is soooo much better than hers. haha. And She wrote in Cas's one but i drew the balloons and cake. After that she wrote in her timetable - it looked so bad, there werent any lines distinguishing the hours and she drew it in crooked. haha. I asked her if she could acutally read it...she laughed and said no. Not surprising since it did look pretty crap. After that she flicks through her diary and finds a page that lists some stupid facts. A list of facts is just not complete is it without the references to the size of an animal's sex organs or habits?!! Originality people!!! After that she writes in her details in the front page of her diary.

Pinh then went to go find some books for her assigment. During this time Simon ran into me and he just told me about about his subjects and his work experience.

Pinh came back and we just talked...Mainly about highschool. The people she missed and the people we didnt like very much and why. Then we talked [and laughed] about Cas's misfortune on the soccer field one time [you know what i'm referring to]. And then just as we finished talking, I saw some poor girl slip on the stairs. It looked like it hurt. We then started talking about Cas's birthday and what to get her and our 'secret' plan. We have finally worked out what we are getting her.


Then as always, Noodles [Nhu is her real name if you were wondering] and sarum meet with her. We then decided to go home...Nhu and Sarum go together. We start driving and when we get past the round about near the bus stop, Pinh's car suddenly stops working and she was panicking. For some reason the car engine stopped working and the steering wheel locked but luckily she managed to steer it to the side of the road a little bit past the round about. Her flashing fuel light indicated to us that it was probably because she had no damn petrol in her car. It was pretty funny because she was seriously freaked out. So much so that she couldnt find the hazzard lights. She made me find it [cars and me don't mix...i have no idea what the buttons and switches do] and somehow i managed to find a button with a red triangle. I figured that must mean hazzard, hence being the hazzard lights. I was right. She then called Sarum and Noodles and we just stood at the side of the road while they came. It was embarrassing, the bus came by and so did heaps of cars. No one helped of course. So eventually they came and Noodles just drove Pinh's car because she was still kinda scared that it was going to stop. Somehow the car made it to the petrol station and she filled it up with the $5 Noodles gave her. I only had 50c on me, otherwise I would have chipped in too. She then drove me home and i'm pretty sure she made her way home.

That was my day. I knew i should have taken the bus. hahaha.

Part 1

Today was a very interesting day. How so, you may ask. Well to start off it was quite a normal day. I rocked up to uni at 9:30 half-awake/half-asleep [whichever you prefer] and I endured two hours of Jurisprudence [legal theory - yay, don't we all love theory...]. To give you a little taste of what law school is really like, here is some of what i wrote today [you'l thank me later when you are able to recite what i have just shared with you]. I have decided to format this as a two part post because i have so much to share with you guys.

SARORTH'S NOTES [as it may or may not appear in my notebook]

  1. What are the 6 central attributes of the western common law system?
  • Rule of law - sanctions [violence]
  • Liberalism
  • SOP [seperation of powers]

And yes, i do realise i have 3. At least i got half of it.

2. Aristotle quoted that: "Law is reason from passion" (sound familiar? That's because it was quoted in legally blonde - i picked that up).

  • Greek tradition: righteous anger = passion
  • Modern conception: fear = passion
  • Modern conception moves from eros [love and passion] to fear

Don't ask me what that all means. I was lost at =. But oh, you should have seen all the eager law students happy to respond to that statement. I wish they kept their opinions to themselves...they have this domino effect where they are able to take everyone else down with them in a spiral of confusion. Another reason why early mornings aren't a great time to be having discussions of a jurisprudential nature.

3. What is the character of law? What is the character of lawyers? [starting with Greek tradition]


4. What is Justice?

RHETORIC & PERSUASION!!! (sounds important)

5. Qualities of character as adviser?

6. Rhetoric & Exegesis [why not throw the big word, hermeneutics into this as well?!!]

7. How do we understand power?

8. What do you have to do to be critical?

9. What is the status of the legal person?

So, if ever you doubted how 'smart' I really am...look at this post and see all the big words that I know [and what i put myself through each day]. How did you like your little sample of jurisprudence? It's very interesting isn't it?! Well if you thought that was difficult, confusing, stupid, should come in and sit on one of my property law lectures. Fun, fun, fun!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Aren't we all so excited...

The current comment dry spell has convinced me that I need to post on this blog of mine. So what is there to say? Well i'm back at uni - I had a lecture today. Property Law - yep, it's as interesting as it sounds. I was struggling to keep awake at the last 30mins or so when he started talking about property rights and the laws of nature. It was all a dizzying blur for me. I guess it wasn't such a good idea to sit near the front because when i'm puzzled, you'l normally be able to tell. Although it did make me feel better that Jill was more noticeably bored. Well I was sitting next to her and it looked to me like she was falling asleep. haha. I paid for my uni fees and bought one textbook and one that's $400 gone. I only have to buy a textbook for one other subject so i guess its not too bad. But it does still leave me broke.

There are also quite a few birthdays coming up...Lara just had her 21st, and we celebrated by going to the 3 Monkeys in West End. It was a really good day, except for the sudden rain. I must say, it was a really good day to be carrying a bag with a camera and camera accessories. Oh and if you ever do go to West End, dont go to the Konica camera shop - those people are WIERD. I walked in and asked them if they had the batteries i needed, i showed them the battery. The wife [i assume she was anyways] went to the cabinet and got out a battery and started just kinda staring at it. I then said to her, yeah thats the one. Its a CR123A, thats the right one. And then there she is still looking at the battery i gave her still trying to work out what type of battery it was. And the husband, he was even more clueless kept asking me what i needed it for...well obviously, im in a camera/copy store - itl be either. And since photocopiers dont have tiny batteries it would be the former. And then to kinda alienate me even more - the man starts talking in vietnamese to his wife. So I was kinda staring at the battery with a blank look on my face too - wondering how a simple transaction could turn into something so complicated. Eventually she gave me the batteries and I went off on my merry way...straight into the pouring rain. I had to run across the road and in that 15secs or so i was soaked.

Anyways on to my initial thought, I just got Lara some stuff from the Body Shop - it did end up costing more than I initially planned to spend but I suppose it's her 21st so its quite a special time. So thats pretty much all that's happened, next week i should have much more interesting things to talk about...well that's the idea anyways. Who know's, Cas's birthday might end up being extraordinarily boring...especially if she's intending to spend the day with me and pin. hahahahaha.

I have pictures now, Lara hasn't sent me the group shots yet so these'l do.

Those sparkles were so cool. Oh and that cake was really, really good!