Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hindsight is good...

Geez that last post was quite lame! Anyways I really don't have much really to post about. It's a really hot day and I spent most of the time laying on my bed listening to music and drinking juice. I don't know what my parents think of me going out - but thats not going to stop me in the future. It's the darn-it, i'm going to have as much fun as i can. They threatened to kick me out of the house if i didnt come home early the other day. But lucky for them, I wasn't in the mood to stay out late anyways [plus Cas bailed out on us - yeah, yeah, its not your fault...but still]. We'l see though. Hmmm what else is there for me to post about? I don't have an interesting life, so posts tend to go from interesting to pretty lame. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, spending time with Laura at the beach up at Scarborough. It's so relaxing there - plus, we've been meaning to catch up for a while. I guess i'l tell you all about it soon.

Okay, thats all for today.


At 10:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah yeah i left you, but i don't fully understand why you guys always need me there. i can hang out with you by yourself and pinh by herself but u two can't seem to hang out with just you two. get it together sarorth! haha, nah, hope the movie was good anyways. my night was really good. i shall tell u all about it when i see you next!


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