Saturday, February 25, 2006

Should I Stay or Should I Go...

My parents are getting really, really annoying. I have seriously done nothing wrong and they are treating me like i'm some child that has gone onto the wrong side of the tracks. I went to a gig last night with cas and i got home at 11 and they are still getting all up me for going out. They think that i'm such a bad 'child'. Simply because I go out occassionally, that must mean that I am a bad person. Forget that I am at uni studying Law/commerce and am doing bloody well too.

My sister walked in this morning and forewarned me that my parents are going to ask me whether I am going to stay at home or move out. I have been thinking about it for a while because I knew that it would come down to this eventually. I would not hesitate to move out if it were that easy. I would be alot happier. But this is reality - Firstly, I can't afford to move out. Secondly, It would be burdenous on my younger sister who relys on my computer for her work. I think that if things remain the same though and I have the money, I will move out. And once I do move out I think that I will probably resent them for a very long time.

Thats all I have to say at this moment -



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