Monday, February 20, 2006

No, No, No...

I went up north to Scarborough today, it took 2hours to get there. We did a little op shopping, We both bought a scarf and I bought four old school EP's that i'm gonna stick on my wall. Then we went to the beach and swam for a little [well it was more like dodging the waves]. It was funny...we looked liked two drunkards. I was going to post more detail but i'm going to divert the topic to something more interesting. What could be more interesting?, arranged marriages. Before I begin going on my rant I would like to make it clear that I oppose it. Well i more than oppose it - I believe that it is not only degrading but an attack on dignity and freedom of choice. Why would i bring up such a subject? Where would anything bad in my life start? mother of course. I have little respect for that woman. So many, many things that she has done in our lives that have been wrong. I won't say, because doing so would require not only myself to get a therapist but also you. Yes, it's so shocking that you, yourself, my humble readers will be traumatised. So i exaggerate a bit, but still, who does that to their own kids? Who in their right mind would 'sell' their kids off? [In reality...many people do, in some countries its customary and arranged marriages are held in the highest regard - but i'm not living in those countries...and it's not a part of my custom]

All those people who complain about how much their parents suck - think of my situation and you will realise that your parents don't suck as much as you think [i couldnt think of any better word than 'suck' for this little rant - it does sound a wee bit stupid - i am well aware!].

Sarorth, telling you I am not for sale - and if you think I am...well screw you!


At 6:27 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Yeah - my mum sucks. My dad knows nothing, although we've kinda talked about it and from what ive heard he is totally against it too.


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