Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ummm yeah...

Well what have I been up since the last post? Not much. I went over to Cas's house today to give her money for the gig that we are going to on Friday. I am really looking forward to it. That was pretty much it...haha. In actuality I stayed over for a fair bit just catching up - her cat, U-Me has grown up now, no longer that small kitten. She's kinda mellowed out too, didn't get a scratch from her this time. Yes, today was that kind of day where we kinda just lounged around and did nothing [yes cas, checking your emails doesn't count for doing something. hahahaha]. I totally feel like painting but I really hate cleaning up. I'm so lazy. I just bought some new acrylics and brushes the other day - totally an impulse buy, and a bad one at that seeing as i go to uni very soon and need to save. Okay, i have to go now. More like i want to go. I'm boring myself, that's not a good thing.



At 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, u-me is soooo not mellow. you should see her right now, she's going absolutely nuts. ah, i love that cat. and yes i'm well aware that we did nothing all day today, but at least we did nothing all day together instead of slowly going crazy talking to our new invisible friends "Bob" and "George".


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