Bowling was a Blast - even though i sucked!
Saturday was such a fun day. As always, I was the first to arrive. But that didnt matter because i had to post mail and haven't been to the city in ages so kinda walked around, oh and also got J's bracelet that i got her engraved with the words 'happy 21st'. Yes, i'm highly creative, haha.
As always though i get bored quite quickly with the city - thank goodness for L who is also an earlybird. So i met with her in Hungry Jacks and we wrote J's Card. We are the worst at writing cards!. Anyways...eventually H and C arrived and then we went and cut the cake and sang happy birthday [in front of all those gazing eyes - either we weren't great singers or we were fantastic - i would have to say that the latter is true]. The cake was sooo nice - again, C's good doing. And we also gave her our presents, i think she liked what i bought her...It wasn't great, but i got her this journal and a pen [a Parker pen - as L kept saying] - she's gonna write about her trip in it and also that bracelet that i got engraved. L chipped in with that present so i should give her some credit.
Moving on - we went to the Strike bowling place and played one game [$12 if anyone is interested...$5 if you want another game]. L2, J and H were in one team and C, L and me were in the other. We played with bumpers of course but still managed to lose against them. haha. It was so funny though - everytime we hit a pin, C, L and myself would give eachother five and would miss many times. Then we'd give eachother double high fives and look like we were drunk and just miss many times again! We laughed a fair bit about that. We got distracted easily, while the other girls were kicking our butts we were just laughing. At one stage the three of us decided to bowl with our sunnies on so then we would look blind instead of just being really crappy at didnt work, we still sucked! hahaha...but it was funny to watch. We had a blast. L kept taking photos of everyone when they least expected it - I have posted some below for your pleasure.
The day didn't end there...After bowling we did a little bit of shopping [minus L2] and then C and H had to catch the bus. Sooo L and myself decided to go on a bit of ride on the city cat and enjoy the scenery - I think i have tan line in the shape of my sunnies from sitting on the deck and have become noticeably more tan [who knew that was possible?! haha] We wanted to go to UQ and have pizza but didnt have enough time so we just rode the city cat to southbank and sat at southbank eating our bread. Yes, i had to mention the eating of bread. It was good...we just talked about our holidays. I felt a bit tired though by the end of the day thanks to Kacie passing on her flu. I managed to catch the 4:45 train but i'm not to sure about L though cause she was going the other way.
As for the rest of the week - i am going to go camping tomorrow for two nights with cas. We are going to tamborine again and it should be really relaxing and heaps of fun.
This is what happens when you ask a stranger to take the photo. And yes, the Candles are not lit or standing properly. Doesn't matter cause that cake was really nice!

Happy Beginnings - That was until we realised how bad we are at bowling...
'Geez, for a smiley face ball - you just won't agree with me will you?!' Haha - thats what i would be saying if i were actually talking to it [i'm not talking to it!]
I wasnt meant to be in this photo as you can tell - i finished bowling and L was taking a photo of J and H when i somehow wandered right into it. I think i only hit 3pins and was just laughing at how crap i did compared to the other girls.
C and myself looking at our score, yes, we are looking at in in awe - and J celebrating her victory. 110 - and she says she hasn't played in ages...i dont believe that. haha